I used Ad populum appeal to indirect consequences!

This is amazing! This kind of Fallacy is very strong and useful in our life.
Here are my real life example. Today my friend desired to go the Indian stall to take dinner but I do not want because I want to take dinner at Cyberia. So I used this fallacy to persuade him.

The story is begin with this:

"Hey, we go to Indian stall and take our dinner, ok?" My friend said.

"What! Are you crazy?That cook is so unhygienic , he scratches his leg before cooking, uses his unclean hand to cook, after eating you will feel sick,people will start to think your dirty because you eat dirty food, you will feel not confident with yourself, when your morale is low,you will feel sad,your sadness will cause you to be unwanted, then you will become isolated always and live miserable forever!"I said.

After listen to my "persuasion", we went to cyberia and took our dinner but unfortunately the food there also no hygiene. The continuous unknown future consequences will make my friend aware about his future and thus he is persuaded by me. This fallacy is defined as Ad populum appeal to indirect consequences or calledslippery slope argument
10:44 PM

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