My Roommate Jason


I appreciate my roommate Jason because he is a glib and suave person. When he is buying something, he is very "professional" in bargaining

Jason: Hi, sister~(Although the seller can be consider as aunty@.@) How much is this?
Seller: Erm...5 ringgit.
Jason: Wow! I know you are pretty and always kind to students. In addition, your food are very delicious, that's why I always take lunch at here. Could you please lower the price? I think you will always be pretty if you lower the price!
Seller: Well that, ok. 4 ringgit.

From above, Jason is using Ad Populum Appeal to Vanity whereby he made the seller become "special" and to be respected! I am sure he always eat cheap food if he use this kind of skill.
11:53 PM

My friend Used Ad Populum Appeal to Force!

I am scare! Please do not do that to me!

Today my friend use force in order to made me go to the gym with him. The conversation is as below:

J : Wee Lon, later after dinner you must go to the gym with me!
I : Why? I don't want to go.
J : If you don't go later , I will disseminate all of your secrets to all others people! Especially recently you had done something that is....
I : Please don't! I will follow whatever you want!

So, J used Ad Populum Appeal to Force or on other word Ad Baculum to make me to go to the gym with him. I really don't like this! But, he has my secrets, I have to do whatever he wish.
8:27 PM