We can see those everyday...

Everyday we can found advertisements, notices, reminders and others anywhere we are. For example television, website, board, newspaper and etc. But actually without awareness, we interpret the implicit conclusion or implicit premises. Here are some examples I found in MMU:-

You can see this everyday if you live in hostel. From above, the implicit conclusion is that we should lock our door when we going out. This is because (implicit premises) the thief will steal our belonging if we do not do so as the picture showed to us.

This is a picture I took in front of HB3. The picture implicitly conclude that the parking lot is only for disable people and thus normal people cannot parking on this lot(implicit premises).
10:59 PM

Unknown Biography

1. What is the cat doing?

Description of what was happening just before:
The cat jumped on the table and gripped the chicken's residue.

Description of what just happens after:
The cat finished its delicious food and went away.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:

The cat looks like finding something.

2.An Orange

Description of what was happening just before:

The orange was in a plastic bag.

Description of what just happens after:
The orange was peeled and eaten by me! Haha!

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
The orange is put on the table.

3.What was the person doing?

Description of what was happening just before:
I threw the rubbish on the floor

Description of what just happens after:
I told him that I just made a joke and I took up the rubbish.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
I blamed on him because he threw the dustbin on lane but actually is I trying to impute the responsibility to him.

4.Who is this pretty girl beside me?

Description of what was happening just before:
She was taught us in Critical Thinking tutorial.

Description of what just happens after:
We went to do our next thing after the photo taken.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
Jessica who was my last CT tutor took the picture with me.

10:10 PM