Unknown Biography

1. What is the cat doing?

Description of what was happening just before:
The cat jumped on the table and gripped the chicken's residue.

Description of what just happens after:
The cat finished its delicious food and went away.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:

The cat looks like finding something.

2.An Orange

Description of what was happening just before:

The orange was in a plastic bag.

Description of what just happens after:
The orange was peeled and eaten by me! Haha!

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
The orange is put on the table.

3.What was the person doing?

Description of what was happening just before:
I threw the rubbish on the floor

Description of what just happens after:
I told him that I just made a joke and I took up the rubbish.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
I blamed on him because he threw the dustbin on lane but actually is I trying to impute the responsibility to him.

4.Who is this pretty girl beside me?

Description of what was happening just before:
She was taught us in Critical Thinking tutorial.

Description of what just happens after:
We went to do our next thing after the photo taken.

Description of what just happens as the picture was taken:
Jessica who was my last CT tutor took the picture with me.

10:10 PM

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