Brainstorming on How to improve the Facilities of Hostel

After we did our word association, suddenly we pop up with idea that why don't we do brainstorming since we're so free. Recently, we faced several problems in hostel like electrical problem, no water supply and etc. Therefore we decided to have a topic which is "How to improve hostel facilities".
I as the facilitator and Calvin be the note taker.Others person is participations.

At first, I briefed about the problem we facing and stated the background of the problem.
Next, I briefed the 3 rules of brainstorming that is:

  1. Generate many solution as possible.

  2. Wild ideas are encouraged

  3. No criticism is allowed, judgment is deferred later.
Then, we do warm up exercise started with an object that is broom.

What can we do with this broom?

  • Sweeping

  • Beat people

  • Throwing like a spear

  • Saber

  • Guitar

  • Witch's broom

  • Cleaning

  • Sweep leg

  • Weapon

  • Bolster

  • Painting Brush

  • Block the door

  • Start fire

  • Oar

  • Decoration

  • Fan people

  • Cover privacy

  • Hanger

  • Chase the rat

  • Dumb-bell

Below is our result of brainstorming, hope that MMU authorities can see our comments as below:
  • Free swimming pool

  • Bigger room with air conditional

  • New nice looking hostel

  • New foodcourt with chinese food

  • Unblocked pork

  • Game park/server

  • Provide single room

  • Cheap rental

  • Room should be repainted

  • Better Fan

  • Cleaner Toilet

  • Automatic washing system for toilet bowl

  • Double bed

  • Washing machine

  • Escalator

  • Lift

  • Room service

  • Fridge

  • Oven

  • Stove

  • Allow girl visitor

  • Underground car park

  • Cyber Cafe

  • Lend every student one car

  • More parking lot

  • Movie theatre with plasma/LCD television

  • Nearby clinic

  • Food delivery

  • No staying limitation

  • Larger mini market

  • Centralised the food court

  • Price of food controlled

  • Take down cockroaches

  • Cleaner food court

  • Better chairs and tables

  • Move hypermarket such as Tesco, Alamanda, Mid-Valley near to MMU

  • Move fast food restaurants come nearby MMU such as KFC and Mcdonald

  • Mobile stalls

  • Pool Bar

  • KBox karaoke

  • Disco

  • Spa

  • Salon

  • Better Gym

  • Better TV room

Thanks! This is a very good ideas! We have many creative and wild ideas that we collected!
Hope we can really work with them!

We can notice that after several ideas given , the wild ideas appeared, that is consider as creative ideas that we want from brainstorming.

After done our brainstorming, cheers!!!
(From left)
Calvin, Jun Hui, Jerry,Me, Edward, Hua and Adrian.
Thanks to Jun Hui, Jerry and Edward who done this project with us even though all of you do not take the subject. Thank you.
4:36 PM

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