Doraemon! I'm Loving It!

I love Doraemon! It is cute, nice, and helpful person when Nobita is in the trouble! And I love the tools Doraemon is used! So, since I was small , I love to draw Doraemon and I always shared my drawing to my friends.

I drawed it myself. No Bad huh?

Do everyone know the original ending of doraemon? Yes, the ending is Doraemon went back to future.
So, I would like to change a new ending of Doraemon, this ending is more bad than before. The ending is Nobita found that all of these only a dream! Including Doraemon and tools all are dream! He has to depend on himself to strive for his life!
10:09 AM

My Group Leader


He(My Finance Maths Assignment Group Leader) loves to use Rhetorical Questions to encourage me to do the assignment quickly as soon as possible. For example:

Leader: Our project due date is 12 September, only 1 week left. And it is consist of 20% do you know that? If we cannot submit it within the due date, our chance to get 4 flat is very small except u score another 80 % full. So, don't you think you must do it now ?

The reference books I used when I doing my maths assignment.

8:46 AM

My Roommate Jason


I appreciate my roommate Jason because he is a glib and suave person. When he is buying something, he is very "professional" in bargaining

Jason: Hi, sister~(Although the seller can be consider as aunty@.@) How much is this?
Seller: Erm...5 ringgit.
Jason: Wow! I know you are pretty and always kind to students. In addition, your food are very delicious, that's why I always take lunch at here. Could you please lower the price? I think you will always be pretty if you lower the price!
Seller: Well that, ok. 4 ringgit.

From above, Jason is using Ad Populum Appeal to Vanity whereby he made the seller become "special" and to be respected! I am sure he always eat cheap food if he use this kind of skill.
11:53 PM

My friend Used Ad Populum Appeal to Force!

I am scare! Please do not do that to me!

Today my friend use force in order to made me go to the gym with him. The conversation is as below:

J : Wee Lon, later after dinner you must go to the gym with me!
I : Why? I don't want to go.
J : If you don't go later , I will disseminate all of your secrets to all others people! Especially recently you had done something that is....
I : Please don't! I will follow whatever you want!

So, J used Ad Populum Appeal to Force or on other word Ad Baculum to make me to go to the gym with him. I really don't like this! But, he has my secrets, I have to do whatever he wish.
8:27 PM



All of these are my mind-mapping notes!

My own Critical Thinking Notes

Today my tutor Nicky taught us about the Mind-mapping. This made me remember my senior Kai Ye who was also taught me last time. He told me that some of the subject especially Critical Thinking , we must do our own notes, but he suggested me to use mind-mapping.
After made my own notes with mind-mapping, I can memories the difficult terms more easily! And mind-mapping also can attract me to read.
2:04 PM

Falling Love?


Today my friend(In this case called J because its confidential) and I saw a boy, S, sat beside a girl in library which the girl is my another friend, H's belover but H likes her with secretly.

After this ,J And I went to H's room and told him about this. We used dysphemism language when we talking about S. This is often for us to use dysphemism when we talk about others bad thing such as "Fat slob"(because the guy S is fat), " Insane ", " Love robber " and etc.

After that , J and I went for the concert in the same night. With the feeling of affinity, the girl sat behind me again! But unfortunately, the sit beside her is S again! And when I talking to her, he liked to disturbed us.

After the concert finished and also the "dinner" , J and I go to H's room again and "complained" about his "love rival", but at this time , his room got another roommate, and I get the suggestion from his roommate. At first , the roommate impervious of this issue but once I said this" Now everyone of us think like this , why don't you think the same way with us too? Come, don't you think S has round face with awkward hair?"

Because of I used the Ad populum appeal to commom belief, the roommate starting to "join" our group saying the bad things of S. This is a quite influencing fallacy to persuade the others because when everyone of you think the way opposite of you, you will seem like an alien and thus either your mind changed or them.This is considered as "Bandwagon Argument" too and I had push the "peer pressure" on the roommate in order for him to think on the "way" we thinking too.
11:42 PM

After Concert

After the concert , we took our "Dinner" at HB1. After few minutes , my friend Jerry came and bought beverage. While he was waiting for his drink , he came and talked to us. And I found some vague sentences in his speech.

Jerry: Do you know that there are people who are very good in giving her speech in DJ Club? Her name is XXXX. A company even put their advertisements during her slot!How amazing is she?

Jason: Wow, even though I'm active in DJ club but I never heard of her. I think there are 2 reasons why they put their advertisements on her slot. First, the company maybe established by her father . Second, she is a profession in this kind of stuff.

Jerry: Well , I think that she is very good in speaking because she is fluent in talking and because of fluency in talking so she is very good in speaking.

From above we can conclude that Jerry is using material fallacy or more details is he used the Circular Argument .This is because the conclusion essentially appears both at the beginning and the end of the argument, it creates an endless circle.

11:00 PM

What Language Did I speak???

Today was Rynn Lim's concert and I went there together with my friends. Once we were there, we chit-chat with each other.I only realized that I had used the Categorical Syllogism which is declarative sentences that propose a relationship between two things or types of things.

This is because of this:

I : Kelvin is living in KL.

Kelvin: Why said like that? I live in Sungai Pelik and its not under KL.

I: This is because KL is in the Selangor and Sungai Pelik is also in the Selangor . So, Sungai Pelik is considered as KL .

After this I only found that I had made a laugh for them.

The reason is my sentenses are invalid weak which is easily attacked by the audiences. In addition , my sentenses are considered as “ Undistributed middle” which mean that when the middle term (Selangor) in a categorical syllogism isn't distributed.
10:37 PM

Brainstorming on How to improve the Facilities of Hostel

After we did our word association, suddenly we pop up with idea that why don't we do brainstorming since we're so free. Recently, we faced several problems in hostel like electrical problem, no water supply and etc. Therefore we decided to have a topic which is "How to improve hostel facilities".
I as the facilitator and Calvin be the note taker.Others person is participations.

At first, I briefed about the problem we facing and stated the background of the problem.
Next, I briefed the 3 rules of brainstorming that is:

  1. Generate many solution as possible.

  2. Wild ideas are encouraged

  3. No criticism is allowed, judgment is deferred later.
Then, we do warm up exercise started with an object that is broom.

What can we do with this broom?

  • Sweeping

  • Beat people

  • Throwing like a spear

  • Saber

  • Guitar

  • Witch's broom

  • Cleaning

  • Sweep leg

  • Weapon

  • Bolster

  • Painting Brush

  • Block the door

  • Start fire

  • Oar

  • Decoration

  • Fan people

  • Cover privacy

  • Hanger

  • Chase the rat

  • Dumb-bell

Below is our result of brainstorming, hope that MMU authorities can see our comments as below:
  • Free swimming pool

  • Bigger room with air conditional

  • New nice looking hostel

  • New foodcourt with chinese food

  • Unblocked pork

  • Game park/server

  • Provide single room

  • Cheap rental

  • Room should be repainted

  • Better Fan

  • Cleaner Toilet

  • Automatic washing system for toilet bowl

  • Double bed

  • Washing machine

  • Escalator

  • Lift

  • Room service

  • Fridge

  • Oven

  • Stove

  • Allow girl visitor

  • Underground car park

  • Cyber Cafe

  • Lend every student one car

  • More parking lot

  • Movie theatre with plasma/LCD television

  • Nearby clinic

  • Food delivery

  • No staying limitation

  • Larger mini market

  • Centralised the food court

  • Price of food controlled

  • Take down cockroaches

  • Cleaner food court

  • Better chairs and tables

  • Move hypermarket such as Tesco, Alamanda, Mid-Valley near to MMU

  • Move fast food restaurants come nearby MMU such as KFC and Mcdonald

  • Mobile stalls

  • Pool Bar

  • KBox karaoke

  • Disco

  • Spa

  • Salon

  • Better Gym

  • Better TV room

Thanks! This is a very good ideas! We have many creative and wild ideas that we collected!
Hope we can really work with them!

We can notice that after several ideas given , the wild ideas appeared, that is consider as creative ideas that we want from brainstorming.

After done our brainstorming, cheers!!!
(From left)
Calvin, Jun Hui, Jerry,Me, Edward, Hua and Adrian.
Thanks to Jun Hui, Jerry and Edward who done this project with us even though all of you do not take the subject. Thank you.
4:36 PM

Word Association

Today is a holiday after Hari Merdeka, since we lack of activity to do in hostel. So we decided to do word association in this boring day

This is our picture after we done our word association.

We have total of 7 members that is me(From down right) ,Edward , Calvin, Adrian (Upper right), Hua, Jerry And Jun Hui.

So, we start our word association from an object that is key.I started the activity first:

Key-->Door-->Alarm-->Ringing-->Close the door-->Noisy-->Loud-->Speaker-->Computer-->King Of Fighter(A computer game)-->Keyboard-->Joystick-->Boring-->Sleepy-->Night-->Dreaming-->Ghost-->Marry-->Girl-->Sammi-->Ugly-->MMU-->Cyberjaya-->Street Mall-->Restaurant

So, friends, it is hard to believe that we have such creativity even though we are from either FOE or FOM! We will success in a day!
3:20 PM